Some friends and I will send each other a group email every once in a while with the subject "Video Friday!" (or maybe Video Saturday. You know, it all depends.). It's a pretty straightforward concept; one of us watches a video on YouTube or another site, finds said video amusing, and shares the video via email with friends, who then react with a comment or respond with a video of a similar nature. Anywow, I've decided to make Video Friday a weekly feature on the blog, because I find many things humorous and want to share them... and just because I can.
Enough with the banter!
I love "Weird Al" Yankovic (understatement of the millenium), and his new album is coming out in June. This is cause for celebration. Let's watch a couple of his best videos, shall we?
This song is easily in my top three Weird Al tunes... and the video is so delightfully random.
Here's something a little different... I was trying to find a different video but came across this instead, which is more than okay. Weird Al had a couple TV specials and videos (in VHS form whoooooa!) in the 80's and 90's which had all sorts of amazingly bizarre clips and guests. No other words of introduction are necessary.
Special bonus video!