Monday, June 7, 2010

Not Quite Yet..

I have created this blog prematurely, but really--the next three weeks will be insane, so how could I not post now?

Why is this premature of me? Well, for starters, I'm not quite married yet. 12 more days, what-whaaat! So I don't mean to be posing as a seminary wife yet, but I want to get in the habit of writing regularly since I've been so neglectful toward my authoring of blogs in the past. And in the midst of getting married, honeymooning, and moving, I may forget that I've even started this.

Which brings us to another reason why this blog is premature: I'm still in Pittsburgh, not on a college campus, not even in Illinois! I'm still here being all un-married, not meeting neighbors in my Trinity apartment, not watching shows an hour earlier than everyone else. Instead, I'm working at a public access TV station, planning the next 12 days, packing my belongings in boxes and space bags, and living in what I call "the commune", or a house owned by two good friends, with five awesome people.

But I think the real reason why I'm posting now is because I'm just so excited about our adventure to Deerfield and all of the new-ness that comes along with it. I'm especially looking forward to living on a campus in which I can meet and hopefully get a chance to serve my neighbors and community. I'm excited that my husband-to-be will be in school learning what he loves and working toward being the man God's created him to be. I'm anticipating not just visiting Chicago for the first time but being a regular visitor to the city. It's my chance to make a change in my career, to join a new church family, to figure out if I, too, am interested in going to school again. And the things we've registered for during our wedding-time? We get to add this great stuff in our new apartment, make the place ours, make the place welcoming and comfortable, make Thai food in our new pots and pans!

Yes, I'm so ready for this. We're coming, Deerfield, very very soon!

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