Friday, January 6, 2012

The Soundtrack of My Life

There's a Facebook game going on that I'm really into right now. The rules are as follows:
1) find out the song that was #1 the week you were born.
2) find that song on YouTube.
3) post that video on your wall without shame.

I found my song for the week I was born, but now I'm looking for an excuse to search for and share some Billboard #1 hits from the other "important events" in my life. So here are five #1 singles that really take me back......

1. The week I was born:
Genesis - Invisible Touch (1986)

2. The week I graduated from kindergarten:
Kris Kross - Jump (1992)

3. The week I first went to the orthodontist:
Elton John - Candle in the Wind 1997 (1997)

4. The week I had backstage passes to a Weird Al concert:
Vertical Horizon - Everything You Want (2000)

5. The week Aaron asked me a question... in Central Park, no less:
Jay-Z and Alicia Keys - Empire State of Mind (2009)

Leave me some fun ones from your life in the comments! Or on Facebook!


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