Sunday, July 18, 2010

A sweet post... "It's a pun!"

You know how on cooking shows the host has his ingredients all ready in cute little bowls before he throws them all together? I figured that I'd do the same so that I could get my chocolate chip cookie dough made in no time. So, I put the sugars together in a bowl. Then I just stared at it for a little while.

My goodness, it's a huge sugar parfait. I felt like it was entering my bloodstream just through my line of vision. I guess it's interesting to realize how much of certain ingredients goes into tasty baked goods, and it's a reminder to me that it's probably best to consume certain delicious things in moderation (...such as Oreos [hint to self!!!!!!]). Lest my insulin gets conquered and/or my teeth dissolve. 

Things I should eat/drink in moderation but don't--Oreos, Kraft Mac & Cheese, fudge, ice cream, bagels, Aaron's cup of coffee



  1. Hi Chris D!
    I'm director of publications at Trinity, and I'm looking for bloggers for a new Trinity magazine site we're creating. We'd love to add a blog like yours, chronicling the experience of a wife of a Trinity student.
    Could you email me?
    Rob Moll

  2. mmm yum! Tim wants to know if that goes on top of your cereal in the morning...

  3. @rcook-- well, I do sometimes eat Reese's Peanut Butter Puffs in the morning, so... kind of? :)

  4. ditto on the kraft mac n cheese....i am beginning to think i have a problem :-) its the only food i have consistantly craved during all 28 years of my life!
