And how shall I do this? Why, in an easy-to-read list format, of course!
- Friday--Campus Beautification Day! Aaron and I volunteered a couple hours of our time that morning planting things and shoveling things. The former "things" being plants, and the latter "things" being, of course, frogs. Err, dirt. I'll have pictures to prove it tomorrow!
- Bought Target-employee-friendly clothes...
- That night--a long and loud thunderstorm! Our internet was knocked out for the rest of the weekend after the storm, hence no blog update.
- Saturday--Adventured to Gurnee Mills, a large mall nearby. Though it was clearly a mistake to go on a Saturday, I did manage to find khakis to wear at Target. I also managed to have very sticky feet after some guy spilled his Coca-Cola all over them at the food court.
- Sunday--went to Evangelical Free Church of Libertyville, which was awesome, though unfortunately we had to leave early because we had....
- ....Target Orientation. Lots of paperwork, new staff, and video-watching. Cheesy-video watching.
- Signed up for Netflix, what-what!
- Monday--my first day at Target, being trained on the cash register. Never used one in my life, so I was kind of freaking out.
- Meanwhile, at the apartment, the internet re-appeared! Woohoo!
- Plotted out the route with Aaron to my other job (YAY I have another job!). I'm so happy that it's in walking distance.
- Again, I can't stress this enough, try not to go to Gurnee Mills on a Saturday. You'll be asking for trouble.
- And finally..... today's Aaron's first day at Target, and it's my first day at my billing job. Then afterward I'll be at Target until 11pm. Mistake? You'll find out tomorrow (Hint: Probably a mistake). Oooh, cliff-hanger(?)!
Again, apologies on the blog neglect and the not-as-pretty-as-the-others post. I promise more quality tomorrow. Until then--have a pleasant Tuesday!
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