Thursday, June 9, 2011

Talkin' 'bout my sense of humor

I am emerging from a bit of a hiatus to address an accusation made today at work, which is that I, Christie Dean, do not have a good sense of humor. Now before I go any further, let me first point out that I'm 99.9% certain that this was said in jest. After all, I have a GREAT sense of humor, if I do say so myself. I will even go so far as to say that my grasp of the amusement in most things may, in fact, be my best quality. It is at least the part about little ol' me that I value most, probably because it keeps me sane. But in case there is any hint of doubt in anyone's mind that I am aloof in the sense of humor department, or that I take things waaay too seriously, I have prepared a list of things I find humorous. You will find that the items are varied, for my sense of humor is well-rounded. Eclectic. Cosmopolitan. You be the judge.

Different things I find humorous (This is just the tippy-top of the iceberg, mind you):
  • Most animals and their sounds
  • This Red Hot Chili Pepper's lyric: "Keystone cops and the billy bob chops / Gonna scare my kids gonna share my crops"
  • What Up With That
  • The word "wharf"
  • Dr. Seuss books
  • My philosophy professor at my alma mater
  • When an outfielder during a major league baseball game so thinks he's about to catch a fly ball and doesn't
  • Bubsy
  • My husband's made-up jingle for the brand of romaine lettuce we recently bought at Garden Fresh ("Andy Boy/He makes the lettuce for the girls and boys")
  • Informercials
  • Canadian stereotypes
  • Listening to what people get really frustrated about when they're playing a board game, e.g. "Crap, I could really use some ore right now!"
  • public access TV
  • Baby/child toys and games
  • Crazy eyes
  • This joke
  • Paul F. Tompkins stand-up 
  • When the little boy who lives in my apartment building practices riding his bike up and down our very short hallway
  • Passive-aggressive notes
  • Suspenders
  • RickRolling
  • Conversations between two people who are way into computers
  • Made-up words
  • Grapefruit spoons 
  • Stock photos
Of course there are things I don't find to be amusing very much at all. Some examples are:
  • pen ink
  • grass 
  • grilled chicken
  • tires
  • grids (of any kind, really)
  • algebra


    1. Christie, that's not even funny. I can't believe you would joke about such a serious topic as my poor immigrants and their lack of ore. Those poor people are starving, for crying out loud!

      Would you like some sheep?

    2. Christie, don't forget the funniest..."piece of german"
