Saturday, September 3, 2011

okay, I'm back. for reals, for reals.

Allllll righty then! Whew, the summer just came and went, huh? Siiigh.

SO MUCH has happened, and I need at least a month and a half more of this gloriously warm season.

Pardon the change of templates! I'm experimenting, you see, and I hope to get the aesthetic right on the ol' blog. You know, to match the mood. Whatever that may be--I guess based on the background, the blog's feel is "hipster blue birdy". I'm kinda down with that for now. 

So I won't go into an excruciatingly long "catch up" list of any kind because right now it would be torturous for me to even figure out where to begin. All you need to know is: (ONE) I'm fi-hiiinally working full time hours (TWO) my dearest brother Stephens is engaged to a darling New Jersey-an (THREE) we have officially moved! To a small house! Oh, sorry, one more thing (FOUR) we got LIBRARY CARDS today. Blammo!!

New kitchen, pre-paint, pre-moving in

Aaron is in his 2nd year of seminary, and I can't even believe it. Now he's reciting the Hebrew alphabet and explaining Saint Augustine's views on marriage to me. He's putting down tile on our floors and has been our home's resident expert on boxelder bugs. He also put air in my new-used bike (thanks, Molly!) this afternoon and bought me an awesome t-shirt. So you see, he's still the best husband in the world.

And with all of the change and what-not, I've begun a whole slew of new mental (soon to be on paper) to-do lists. Getting library cards was definitely on it, so I feel very accomplished. Soon I need to finish the stain work on some shelves we're putting in our living room/dining room, and after that I have a photo frame decoration project that I'm super excited about. On top of that there are several borrowed books from the aforementioned library about gardening...

One part of our yard that will house a new, colorful (or edible) garden someday!



  1. Did you guys buy a house? Looks cute even before the mods.

  2. "hipster blue birdy" it! it!

  3. @Diana: No, I wish!! We're renting a house from our church--and it is really cute. :) I'll post some newer pictures soon.

    @Mom: the good news is that we think the BUG problem has been neutralized. Thaaaank goodness!

  4. Renting and they let you paint! That's a nice deal! :)
