As I await to skype-chat with my dear best friend (or "bestie", as I guess they're called now?), I decided to peruse Google for a daily/weekly devotional book of some kind, using these exact search criteria:
"recommended devotional book that doesn't suck"
...which in turn linked to this book, via some homeschooling websites:
So... does anyone have any devotional book recommendations? Preferably something of substance, and maybe with workbook-like features. I'll continue the hunt on Google for a while, changing up the search terms a bit as well. :)
Allllll righty then! Whew, the summer just came and went, huh? Siiigh.
SO MUCH has happened, and I need at least a month and a half more of this gloriously warm season.
Pardon the change of templates! I'm experimenting, you see, and I hope to get the aesthetic right on the ol' blog. You know, to match the mood. Whatever that may be--I guess based on the background, the blog's feel is "hipster blue birdy". I'm kinda down with that for now.
So I won't go into an excruciatingly long "catch up" list of any kind because right now it would be torturous for me to even figure out where to begin. All you need to know is: (ONE) I'm fi-hiiinally working full time hours (TWO) my dearest brother Stephens is engaged to a darling New Jersey-an (THREE) we have officially moved! To a small house! Oh, sorry, one more thing (FOUR) we got LIBRARY CARDS today. Blammo!!
New kitchen, pre-paint, pre-moving in
Aaron is in his 2nd year of seminary, and I can't even believe it. Now he's reciting the Hebrew alphabet and explaining Saint Augustine's views on marriage to me. He's putting down tile on our floors and has been our home's resident expert on boxelder bugs. He also put air in my new-used bike (thanks, Molly!) this afternoon and bought me an awesome t-shirt. So you see, he's still the best husband in the world.
And with all of the change and what-not, I've begun a whole slew of new mental (soon to be on paper) to-do lists. Getting library cards was definitely on it, so I feel very accomplished. Soon I need to finish the stain work on some shelves we're putting in our living room/dining room, and after that I have a photo frame decoration project that I'm super excited about. On top of that there are several borrowed books from the aforementioned library about gardening...
One part of our yard that will house a new, colorful (or edible) garden someday!
I am emerging from a bit of a hiatus to address an accusation made today at work, which is that I, Christie Dean, do not have a good sense of humor. Now before I go any further, let me first point out that I'm 99.9% certain that this was said in jest. After all, I have a GREAT sense of humor, if I do say so myself. I will even go so far as to say that my grasp of the amusement in most things may, in fact, be my best quality. It is at least the part about little ol' me that I value most, probably because it keeps me sane. But in case there is any hint of doubt in anyone's mind that I am aloof in the sense of humor department, or that I take things waaay too seriously, I have prepared a list of things I find humorous. You will find that the items are varied, for my sense of humor is well-rounded. Eclectic. Cosmopolitan. You be the judge.
Different things I find humorous (This is just the tippy-top of the iceberg, mind you):
Most animals and their sounds
This Red Hot Chili Pepper's lyric: "Keystone cops and the billy bob chops / Gonna scare my kids gonna share my crops"
My husband's made-up jingle for the brand of romaine lettuce we recently bought at Garden Fresh ("Andy Boy/He makes the lettuce for the girls and boys")
Canadian stereotypes
Listening to what people get really frustrated about when they're playing a board game, e.g. "Crap, I could really use some ore right now!"
Some friends and I will send each other a group email every once in a while with the subject "Video Friday!" (or maybe Video Saturday. You know, it all depends.). It's a pretty straightforward concept; one of us watches a video on YouTube or another site, finds said video amusing, and shares the video via email with friends, who then react with a comment or respond with a video of a similar nature. Anywow, I've decided to make Video Friday a weekly feature on the blog, because I find many things humorous and want to share them... and just because I can.
Enough with the banter!
I love "Weird Al" Yankovic (understatement of the millenium), and his new album is coming out in June. This is cause for celebration. Let's watch a couple of his best videos, shall we?
This song is easily in my top three Weird Al tunes... and the video is so delightfully random.
Here's something a little different... I was trying to find a different video but came across this instead, which is more than okay. Weird Al had a couple TV specials and videos (in VHS form whoooooa!) in the 80's and 90's which had all sorts of amazingly bizarre clips and guests. No other words of introduction are necessary.
I apologize for the unintended hiatus! This week has been especially weird, since I came down with the flu (or something flu-like) on Tuesday and had a fever for the first time since who knows when. I'm still getting over it all, but since my head doesn't hurt anymore at the very thought of typing I thought I'd have a go at a more lackluster blog post. Better than no post at all, right? Right.
It's been an eventful two weeks. We had to take our car to the shop for the first time since we got it last year because we thought something had broken off of it.
After Aaron took it to the shop though, the mechanic called to let us know that the part that came off our car wasn't even a part of our car... but rather was just a piece of metal that had gotten lodged into our wheel. What?! He ended up repairing our transmission pan since Ole Paw, our car, was there anyway, but that repair was $500 less than the original one would have been. Whew.
Also, pretty big news, we are moving off-campus over the summer. This is both exciting and heartbreaking at the same time (sort of like The Lion King?) since we'll be living in a bigger space in a cute neighborhood at a very nice price, but will be a good 15-20 minutes drive from the seminary community that we have gotten to know and love. I have to keep reminding myself of one of the huge perks of relocating in order to make me feel more at ease... our new neighborhood has SIDEWALKS. How I've missed them!
My parents are coming to town this Thursday night! It will be their first mid-western adventure together as they take the 14 hour trek to Deerfield from New Jersey. I have to still think of some interesting places to take them (my apartment might be interesting for only an hour, but that's pushing it) and hope that some warmer spring weather manifests itself in due time...
Finally, here is a picture of a fake coyote staring at a goose.
Happy April, everyone! I've been meaning to post a ton more than this, both here and on the Trinity website, but this week in particular was the busiest I've had in a while. And it feels GREAT! I don't know about you, but April's been pretty okay for me so far. Actually, it's been downright fantastic. We have some friends coming over tonight for dinner with two of their little munchkins (the human baby kind, not these), I got a MUCH needed haircut with my dear friend Laura, I browsed through some awesome Google April Fools Day pranks, I got an awesome package of letters and gifts from my lovely RachelyRachel, and Script Frenzy began!
I haven't had the greatest of starts for this year's Script Frenzy. I'm already three pages behind on my screenplay! 100 pages in the month of April is the goal, but I really need to get rollin' on it. Oh, and I have no solid story idea yet. That might be a problem.
Anyhow, something of more substance (i.e. a post with pictures) later. I've got a lot of talk about, but unfortunately cookies don't bake themselves. Laters, gators!
One of our next door neighbors came over just now to borrow a movie. As he was talking to us, I happened to glance in the direction of our massive windows only to see a form of precipitation from yester-season falling mercilessly onto our precious earth.... It IS spring, weather!! It was official as of last Sunday! Didn't you get the memo that the weather-memorandum person sends out to your vicious kind?!?
Since getting married, I have spent an embarrassing number of afternoons reading cookbooks and baking blogs, and I get excited over finding recipes for treats I love to eat that I never thought to make on my own. I've come a long way since even a year ago in my kitchen confidence and no longer settle with baking a box mix cake or cooking Kraft macaroni and cheese. Oh please, who am I kidding... I still have that mac and cheese on stand-by for particularly taxing days (and, whatever, even on days when I'm a-okay) and I juuuuust made a batch of Funfetti cupcakes with *GASP* Pillsbury frosting (and they're AWESOME).
Annnywaaay... I have four "dessert quests" (as I will refer to them) on which I will begin to embark as of Thursday afternoon. They are as follows:
Vanilla Cupcakes (wait for it...........) filled with Chocolate Cream! This will be my first attempt at a "stuffed cupcake"--and it shouldn't be too hard. Right? This is my Thursday project... I will be coloring the frosting in Irish-like colors (see flag) as an added bonus. Blammo!
Molten Chocolate Cake! I've made this cake before using a lazier recipe, and the results, though tasty, were sort of lazy as well (i.e. not what I had hoped for?).
Cannoli! Yes! I will make this fantastic dessert so that I don't have to pay $4 for one in Little Italy next time I find myself in Manhattan. I'ma go to Ferrara and sit at one of their fancy tables and pull one of my homemade cannol's (that's how they say it in Italy, duh) and my home-brewed cup of coffee that was in an open thermos (oops) out of my purse and the waitress is gonna be all like "you can't have outside food here, ma'am, and it appears your purse is leaking coffee" and I'll be like, "Yo, fuggedaboudit" and soon find myself sitting on the curb next to a thieving, ravenous pigeon. Moving on..
Donuts! Of the baked variety! I was hoping to find a non-fried version, especially since frying is needed for cannoli shells, and here she is!! When perfected I believe I can make many small group members, co-workers, house guests, and my husband's desire for sweet foods very happy with this.
From a previous, not as ambitious "dessert quest"--strawberry shortbread cupcakes!
I'm so looking forward to the results of my dessert quests--provided my dear sweet oven doesn't give me too many issues. We've had a love (or rather--agreeable)/hate relationship going on for a while now. I'll let you in on my harsh critique of the process later this week! Until then...
"Cookies are made of butter and love." -Norwegian Proverb (Well said, Norwegians!)
I got Aaron two tickets to a Chicago Wolves (minor league hockey) game for Christmas. His +1 ended up being yours truly (yeahyeahyeah) so we skidattled off campus right after I got out of work and enjoyed the afternoon together, taking the long way down to an arena we had never been to before. It started out wonderfully enough--we loitered around Barnes and Noble as we're apt to do, longing to purchase an entire shelf of excellent DVD's that were on an incredible sale. We came out with two cups of coffee and a much-needed day planner instead.
With still so much unexplored territory to be experienced, Aaron and I took the non-interstate way to the arena and ended up for a long time in the city of Des Plaines, IL. Here are a few fun facts about Des Plaines:
It's pronounced exactly how it's spelled, unlike "Des Moines" in Iowa. Dess Planes.
Apparently it's official nickname is"City of Destiny". Yeah, this makes sense, especially if the destiny in question is to get into a major car wreck at night because of the poorly lit streets and confusing intersections and one ways. (This didn't happen to us, but it almost did)
Also home to what I dub as "The Worst Wendy's Restaurant Ever".
The Left Behind series? The story is set in Des Plaines. Is it bad to say that I find this to be very fitting?
Sorry to anyone who lives in Des Plaines... we were not fans of the town. To its credit we are judging the entire town based on one very nerve-racking, ill-conditioned main road--and the weather was super crummy.
But we made it to the Allstate Arena! We got to sit right behind the Wolves bench, eat nachos, and watch their mascot (a wolf named Skates?) shoot pyrotechnics from his fingertips. Rock rock on! Check out Aaron's phone pictures:
All right, it's time for me to gear up for Saturday Night Live... I'm feeling like a 15-year-old all over again because The Strokes are the musical guests!!!!! WOOOOOOOO!
It's a very gray Super Bowl Sunday here in Deerfield. It snowed a couple more inches this morning--which we needed, obviously--so it is perfect weather to sit in front of the TV and watch big men throw each other on the ground. I decided as of this morning that I would be a good wife and, ahem, root for the Steelers along with my husband. I agreed to do this since I started feeling bad for singing the Steelers Fight Song to Aaron but inserting "Packers" every time "Steelers" should have been sung (along with any Packers players I knew... which resulted in a song entirely about Aaron Rodgers). I have to admit that my loyalties all along were with the Steelers or the commercials, anyway.
I'm more of a hockey person... this was taken in my old Pgh apartment circa 2009
I miss my Pittsburgh friends a TON--but I don't miss a lot of "Steeler Nation". During my time in the city, I lived in this one apartment on a wild street on the outskirts of the college neighborhood. I was hanging out with Aaron's family during the last Steelers Super Bowl, and when I arrived back in Pittsburgh after the game I found that the bus shelter I normally waited under for my commute was destroyed and that a couch or two had been incinerated on the sidewalk--all on my block alone! And the Steelers had WON that game! It's comforting to know that I will most likely not run into any burnt furniture on the way home from another Super Bowl party tonight (especially since that party is also on campus, woohoo!).
Besides, it would be hard to set any armchairs on fire outside with all of the SNOW. Man, we got a lot of snow. I ended up getting two days off from work, and Aaron didn't have class those days either. We instead got to hang out with some on-campus friends, catch up on our Netflix queue, and read new blogs (like this one by my new friend and fellow blogger Laura!).
Tuesday night right outside our apartment building...
Have a fun evening eating tortillas and salsa! Tune in next time for another blog post about something else. Go Football!
It looks like the apocalypse will take place Wednesday.
From the Wikipedia article (which also mentions "extratropical cyclones"): "Thundersnow, while rare anywhere, is more common with lake effect snow in the Great Lakes area of the United States and Canada, the midwestern U.S., and the Great Salt Lake." 3+ more years, huh?:D
Man, it's so cold and gloomy outside--it's been really rough getting up and motivated for work these last few days! Aaron's getting back in the school routine once again, which for him also means taking a temporary break from sci-fi books... at least until spring break. Despite having an obscene amount of winter lethargy, we've made some decent strides since Christmastime...
Ah, a bright blue sky during a wintery day on campus! Can't wait to see that again soon!!!
-Re-organized our huge closets. Though our apartment is tiny, there is certainly no lack of storage. Unfortunately, throwing miscellaneous items in there when we moved in was all too easy, but we have a great system now. Thanks, pretty clearance baskets from Target!
-We officially settled in a church! I know I have said this in the past about another church, but that one didn't work out as well as we had hoped, mostly due to the distance. We starting going to the Evangelical Free Church of Libertyville two weeks ago after a lot of discussion and prayer. So far, so good.
-Finally, Aaron and I have health insurance. Hoorah! This was an item that had me nervous for a while--Aaron hadn't been insured since he graduated college, and my individual plan was We finally enrolled in Trinity's student health plan, which means we really have no excuse to avoid going to get our check-ups.
On a completely different note, last night we watched Late Show w/ David Letterman and Late Night w/ Jimmy Fallon, and they both had their respective "animal guys" on, which stirred up in me the desire to go to the zoo, buy a hedgehog, or become a zoologist, as it usually does. I mean, look at this thing!
It's called a bearcat. No, really, it is. Jack Hanna brought it onto Letterman's show and told Dave that bearcats walk around cobras quickly in order to make the snakes dizzy before the bearcat attacks the snake. So cool! To me, anyway. Consider this your animal trivia fix for the winter...
It's a new year, and this is a new blog post. I know 2011 will be awesome--I'm relatively-newly married, homemade marshmallows are in our living room, we "Better Homes and Gardens"-itized our shelves (example), and I know how to make marshmallows. So far this year is unbeatable. Did I mention it also started out like this?